[Forness Life Co., Ltd. Yuko Hirai, Hiroki Kato, Ryuichi Inoue, and Yuka Kato] "The environment at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 which has many shipping companies in the vicinity and is close to Haneda Airport, is the best suited for our company, which exchanges frozen specimens with Japan and overseas." | List of residents' interviews | Mitsui’s Lab & Office
Interview with residents

Home > List of residents' interviews > [Forness Life Co., Ltd. Yuko Hirai, Hiroki Kato, Ryuichi Inoue, and Yuka Kato] "The environment of Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 near Haneda Airport, which has many shipping companies around the area and is close to Haneda Airport, is a frozen sample with Japan and overseas. Best for us to exchange. "

[Forness Life Co., Ltd. Yuko Hirai, Hiroki Kato, Ryuichi Inoue, and Yuka Kato] "The environment at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 which has many shipping companies in the vicinity and is close to Haneda Airport, is the best suited for our company, which exchanges frozen specimens with Japan and overseas."

Forness Life Co., Ltd.
Forness Life Co., Ltd. predicts “forness of future disease development risk” such as myocardial infarction and dementia from a small amount of blood, and supports lifestyle improvement, and about 7,000 types contained in trace samples. This company is a company that develops business based on the two pillars of SOMASCAN®DISCOVERY”, a contract measurement service that analyzes protein at once. In addition to the head office of Nihonbashi Life Science Building 3 (Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku), Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 is also located in Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1. We spoke to four people, including Yuko Hirai (Head of Proteomics Labratori), about the company's current business and future prospects.

Based on proteomics, we develop two pillars of business

First of all, please tell us about your business.

Mr. Fourness Life Hirai: Currently, we are engaged in two major businesses. One is SOMASCAN®DISCOVERY, a commissioned protein measurement service for research institutions such as pharmaceutical companies and universities that conduct biomarkers search and pharmaceutical development. The other is the Forness Bijus, which is designed to support lifestyle improvement by predicting the risk of developing a disease in the future from a small amount of blood for companies that promote health management, local governments, and individuals. In the latter case, disease cannot be diagnosed due to laws and regulations, but we provide visualization of the risk of developing diseases such as dementia, myocardial infarction, stroke, and lung cancer, and provide test results through medical institutions.

The core of our business is the SomaScan® technology, which measures approximately 7,000 types of proteins at once. This technology was established by the founder of the United States startup called SomaLogic Operating Co., Inc. (“SomaLogic”), the NEC Group to which we belong, quickly focused on the company and have built a collaborative relationship for many years. In 2014, the NEC Group acquired exclusive sales rights in Japan to commercialize a service that became the predecessor of SOMASCAN®DISCOVERY service using this technology. Subsequently, SomaLogic succeeded in developing a technology to predict the risk of disease development from multiple proteins, we established our company in April 2020 and launched our business by newly branding SOMASCAN®DISCOVERY and Forness Bijuas.

What do you think is the "strengths" of your business?

Mr. Fourness Life Hirai: We believe that SomaScan®, a protein measurement technology derived from SomaLogic, a technology for predicting future disease onset risk based on the results, as well as the comprehensive capabilities of the NEC Group's AI and big data analysis technology and IT solutions. Originally, SomaScan® is a highly original technology that has been heard from pharmaceutical companies and university researchers who use it for biomarker search and drug development, saying, "I am a big fan of this technology!" “Forness Business” provides services in combination with the NEC Group's smartphone apps and other healthcare products of other companies, and not only research experts but also ordinary users verify and realize the effects of improvement on their own. We are supporting efforts to improve lifestyle. Recently, we have been working with several local governments to develop and provide services that lead to the disease prevention and prevention of residents' illness.

It is also a great advantage that various learnings can be obtained through regular workshops.

Please tell us about your activities at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1.

Mr. Fourness Life Hirai: At Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 (hereinafter referred to as Shinkiba Lab) in Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 receives a core part of our business, namely frozen state samples, measure proteins using an automated analyzer, and output the results to data. Some samples must be measured by SomaLogic, USA, so they are sent to the United States in a frozen state.

Please tell us why you decided to move into Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1.

Mr. Fourness Life Hirai: Our business requires the delivery of frozen samples with customers and send them to the United States, so the surrounding environment was very important. Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 has many deliveries in the surrounding area, and Haneda Airport is close to Haneda Airport, and the access environment.

Forness Life Kato (Yuzu): Our Shinkiba Lab opening project was a very tight schedule until the start of operation, so I think it was also a big point that Mitsui Fudosan was able to respond flexibly. At the schedule adjustment stage of the construction before moving in, it was found that some parts could not be delivered in time, and there was a possibility that the start of operation would be delayed, but thanks to the progress of the construction step by step, we were able to start operation within the target month.

The head office building of the parent company (NEC Solution Innovator Co., Ltd.) is also located in Shinkiba.

Forness Life Kato (Yuzu): The parent company is very close to Shinkiba Station, and the close distance to our company also helped me move in. In addition, I was strongly attracted to the fact that the lab supports biosafety Level 2, as well as the fact that the lab supports biosafety Level 2, as well as the fact that the lab supports biosafety Level 2, as well as the clean and stylish interior.

What kind of impression do you have when you actually moved in?

Forness Life Inoue: It's very helpful. Some reagents used for measurements require strict temperature control, but they can be stored indoors because the air conditioning can be operated 24 hours a day. Seminars on environmental laws and biosafety are regularly held, so it is also an advantage that the latest information can be obtained at all times even if there is a law revision. Also, I was very grateful that I received emergency food and other disaster prevention goods when I moved in because it was before preparation.

In the future, we would like to aim for a One-Stop service that realizes a future where no one gets sick.

Do you have any opportunities to interact with other residents?

Forness Life Kato (Yuzu): Participating in a social gathering limited to residents and exchanging business cards and introducing each other's companies triggered the opportunity to interact with each other's company, greeting them and talking a little standing talk. Opportunities have gradually increased.

Mr. Fourness Life Hirai: In addition to social gatherings, various events hosted by LINK-J, interactions with other residents and outsiders are created. The other day, we participated in the "Meet UP booth" at a public symposium on the theme of the latest status of drug discovery technology (the Frontier 2023).

Do you have any new challenges you would like to take on challenges at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1?

Forness Life Kato (Haku): Recently, there has been an increasing number of opportunities to receive media coverage, especially with regard to "Forness Bijuas". Therefore, in the future, we are considering enhancing and expanding our public relations activities starting from Shinkiba Lab, with a view to accepting those who wish to visit the lab. I would like to make an appealing video of the lab that introduces our measurement technology skills. In addition, we would like to work on "open innovation" in which Mitsui Link Lab residents can deepen their cooperation and utilize mutual technologies to create new value.

Thank you very much. Finally, could you please tell us about your future prospects.

Forness Life Kato (Haku): If the number of service users increases as our awareness increases, it is expected that Shinkiba Lab alone will not be able to respond. We also believe that it is necessary to develop a backup system in preparation for emergencies such as disasters. In the future, we plan to open laboratories in other regions to respond to the increase in the number of inspections and tobe prepared for disaster. To this end, we would like to operate Shinkiba Lab with the aim of becoming a model case for the establishment of our laboratory in the future.

Mr. Fourness Life Hirai: SomaScan®, which is the core of our business, plans to expand the types of proteins that can be measured at once by further technological development (currently about 7,000 types). Forness bias, we will increase the number of diseases for which users can predict future risk of developing diseases to about 50. By providing these technologies on One-Stop in combination with services that are useful for preventing diseases and preventing diseases, we would like to realize our vision of "A future where no one gets sick, a society where everyone can live on their own."

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