Characteristics of Mitsui Link Lab | Mitsui’s Lab & Office

Characteristics of Mitsui Link Lab


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Proximity close to the city center and seeds

Two different concepts are proximity to the city center and seeds close to each other.

Realizes communication with various players such as medical institutions and research facilities.

The possibilities of your business will expand.

Proximity to the city center

Business style changes

Business style changes

It enables Face-to-face communication with companies, universities and hospitals that are concentrated in the city center.

  1. Development of R&D through joint research with the key layer and commercialization of seeds
  2. Creation of further innovation through collaboration with different industries
  3. Advantages in corporate management, such as recruitment of human resources and financing
Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes

By setting up an office in the city center, you can increase the variety of lifestyle options.

  1. Effective use of private time by shortening commuting time
  2. Realizing life that is tailored to the family, such as the educational environment for children and parental care
  3. Achieving marriage, childbirth, and child-rearing, will continue and return to work for research positions.

Seeds proximity

The research style changes

The research style changes

Providing an environment unique to the seeds, where cutting-edge medical care are being carried out.

  1. Probably close to Academia and medical facilities. It is easy to conduct research and development
  2. Players and information from all over the world. Enable collaboration with next-generation medical technology

Experiment facilities

BSL2, which enables full-scale research such as drug discovery and regenerative medicine.

Enhanced research environment with a common equipment room.

BSL2Compatible wet lab specifications

Addressing a wide range of research needs

Addressing a wide range of research needs

Compared to general offices, hardware specifications such as water supply and drainage, air supply and exhaust, load capacity and power supply capacity are enhanced compared to ordinary offices. Wet lab design that enables R&D up to BSL2*.

*There may be some sections that cannot be accommodated.

Wet lab image

Shinkiba 1 Exclusive Department
Shinkiba 1 Exclusive Department
Kashiwanoha 1 Exclusive Department
Kashiwa-no-ha 1 Exclusive Area
Shinkiba 1 facility balcony
Shinkiba 1 facility balcony

A wide range of common areas

A free lounge that can be used as a place for interaction and a third place.

A shared conference room, dining room and cafés that can be used for meetings and other purposes.

Lounge, conference room, café

Kasai Lounge
Kasai Lounge
1, Shinkiba Lounge
1, Shinkiba Lounge
1, Shinkiba Conference Room
1, Shinkiba Conference Room
Kashiwa-no-ha 1 Conference Room
Kashiwa-no-ha 1 Conference Room
Kasai Shokudo
Kasai Shokudo
1, Shinkiba cafe
1, Shinkiba cafe
2, Shinkiba Lounge
2, Shinkiba Lounge
2, Shinkiba Conference Room
New Kiba 2 common meeting room
2, Shinkiba cafe
2, Shinkiba cafe

Open Innovation Support Program

We provide a wide range of solutions for the diverse issues faced by residents, focusing on two research and business support and communication network support.

We provide a wide range of solutions based on the research and business support and communication network support.

Research business support

Concierge Support (Science Concierge)

Concierge service where you can feel free to consult

Concierge service for consultation with scientists from pharmaceutical companies

Concierge provides free support for any problems in all areas related to daily work. The concierge is handled by a scientist at a major pharmaceutical company.

Example of consultation content
  • ・Advice on research and support for accompaniment
  • ・Experts of experts
  • ・Corporate matching
  • ・Events, etc.

Provision of environments for ventures (common equipment room, subdivisions for ventures)

Supporting R&D

Reduction of initial investment with common equipment

A common equipment room that can be used jointly. It is possible to reduce initial investment because it is equipped with equipment with many needs.

※There are also properties where you can use expensive equipment owned by Link Lab residents.
※Please refer to each property page for details of the installation equipment.

Property to be installed

Equipment image

※Only in Nakanoshima Island
Real-time PCR
Real-time PCR
Fluorescent microscopes
Fluorescent microscopes
Minimize construction costs in preset sections for startups

Minimize construction costs in preset sections for startups

For ventures and startups, we have developed a parcel with outlets in advance. It is possible to start the experiment immediately with minimal construction costs.

※The photograph is for illustrative purposes only. Furniture and fixtures, experimental equipment, etc. will be provided by the tenant.

Block Detailed Information

Property name Shinkiba 2 Kashiwanoha 1
Target division 20 sections 5 blocks
Construction work
Outlet construction Yes, Yes,
Department work (Partial) Yes, None
Construction of ducts for local exhaust (Partial) Yes, (Partial) Yes,
Sink Yes, Yes,
Experimental equipment and fixtures Customer installation Customer installation
Area 72〜99㎡ 35〜56㎡

Procurement support for experimental products (LINK Stock)

Consumables and reagents convenience stores that can be purchased from roses when necessary.

LINK Stock, a convenience store for researchers

LINK Stock, a store in Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 2 sells consumables, supplies, and reagents for research from one point. Residents can procure only what they need when necessary. In addition to product sales, we also offer a variety of services unique to the lab.

Product lineup that supports a wide range of research

[Consumables and supplies]
Pippets, beakers, centrifugal machines, sterlers, etc.
PCR reagents, gene-introduction reagents, culture media, etc.

Extended services to support experiments

Rental service for research equipment, consultation corner for staff, laboratory equipment calibration service, provision of the latest manufacturer information, etc.

Admin Support

Various seminars useful for research

Various seminars useful for research

Seminars on the handling of biological samples, environmental laws and regulations, occupational health and safety, as well as training on the use of experimental equipment. Helping to arrange suppliers and support admin work of tenants from various fields.

Various seminars useful for research

Industrial doctor service

In addition to various issues related to occupational health and safety, such as legal compliance and employee mental management, we introduce industrial physicians who can provide close consultation on health management initiatives. We provide high-quality industrial health services that are easy for residents to use from minimal to meet their individual needs.

Communication network support

Formation of fulfilling event programs and communities that promote exchange and collaboration

Seminars and resident exchange meetings organized by LINK-J to promote exchange and collaboration

Utilizing the lounges and other facilities in the Mitsui Link Lab, we hold seminars and resident exchange meetings organized by LINK-J to promote exchanges and collaboration. In addition, the company is also working to create a unique local community that accelerates the ecosystem of the area. 

Environmental considerations

Deploy facilities that reduce air conditioning load and power consumption and energy.

There are also properties that have acquired Zeb pre-certification and DBJ Green Building certification.

Comfortable facility planning for customers to use the facilities with peace of mind

Safe and secure infection control measures

Safe and secure infection control measures

Promoting non-contact, such as ensuring proper ventilation volume and automatic flushing around water.

Consideration for the Environment and Society

Environment-friendly facilities

Environment-friendly facilities

Facility specifications that take into consideration reduction of air conditioning load and power consumption. We are also actively promoting the use of renewable energy.


Future potential

Since the first link lab opened in 2020, 13 projects have already been decided both in Japan and overseas.

As Mitsui Fudosan's sixth asset, the number of properties and tenants will continue to expand rapidly.


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