1/16 (Tue.) [Tenant Reception] A joint exchange event for residents of Life Science Building & Mitsui Link Lab will be held! | Latest Information | Mitsui’s Lab & Office
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Home > Latest Information > 1/16 (Tue.) [Tenant Reception] A joint exchange event for residents of Life Science Building & Mitsui Link Lab will be held!

1/16 (Tue.) [Tenant Reception] A joint exchange event for residents of Life Science Building & Mitsui Link Lab will be held!

We have prepared a place for interaction between residents of the Life Science Building Series and Mitsui Link Lab Series.
Although it is modest, we also offer alcohol and tidbits.

For the first 60 people, prior application is required. Please read the QR code on the attached flyer with your mobile camera and apply.

We look forward to your participation!

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