[Meiji Seika Falma Co., Ltd. Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yoji Ishida, Seika Terashima, Tsubasa Chikada] "Our research on blood cancer treatment begins with Shinkiba Lab. I want to grow the seeds born here and make sure that Hanasaki." | List of residents' interviews | Mitsui’s Lab & Office
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Home > List of residents' interviews > [Interview with Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yoji Ishida, Seika Terashima, and Tsubasa Chikada] "Our research on blood cancer therapeutic drugs begins at Shinkiba Lab. I want to raise the seeds born from here and always keep them in Hanasaki."

[Meiji Seika Falma Co., Ltd. Toshiyuki Tsuchiya, Yoji Ishida, Seika Terashima, Tsubasa Chikada] "Our research on blood cancer treatment begins with Shinkiba Lab. I want to grow the seeds born here and make sure that Hanasaki."

Meiji Seika Falma Co., Ltd.
Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd. is a pharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures and sells therapeutic agents and vaccines mainly for infectious diseases and psychiatric and nervous system diseases. In addition, we have established our own research laboratories in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and we have also opened our own lab at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 to Mitsui Link Lab. We interviewed four people, including Mr. Tsuchiya, Deputy General Manager of the Research and Development Division and Research Department, about the motivation for opening the new laboratory and future prospects.

Shinkiba Lab is taking on the challenge of developing new antibody drugs for blood cancer.

First of all, please give me an overview of your company.

Meiji Seika Pharma Tsuchiya: In line with the reorganization of Meiji Co., Ltd. (former Meiji Seika Kaisha, Ltd. and former Meiji Dairy Co., Ltd.), which manufactures and sells confectionery, foods, and dairy products. KM Biologics Co., Ltd., which has inherited the vaccine and blood products business from the Research Institute for Chemistry and Septive Therapeutic Research Laboratory (Kaseiken), is currently taking on the challenge of research and development of new drugs in cooperation with the company. Our specialty areas are infectious diseases and psychiatric and nervous system diseases, but recently we are also challenging new areas such as vaccines, immune inflammation, and malignant tumors.

Meiji Seika Falma Chikada: In the Hematology department, we believe that synergistic effects with existing businesses because we actively use antibiotics to prevent infectious diseases, and we are focusing on research and development in the area of malignant tumors. These products are introduced from other companies, but some products have already been launched on the market.

Meiji Seika Pharma Ishida: In fact, I used to be in the Department of Hematology, Iwate Medical University, where I have been treated for many blood cancer patients. Even now, after retiring from the same university, he still treats patients once a week as a part-time physician at Tokyo Metropolitan Sumito Hospital. Although I have no experience in drug discovery research, I spend every day at Shinkiba Lab, I spend my days discussing the ideals of new drugs with young researchers at Shinkiba Lab because I know how to treat blood cancer and how drugs should be needed.

Holding safety seminars and various lectures in the lab is a great study.

You already have a laboratory, but could you tell us about the role of the new lab?

Meiji Seika Falma Chikada: Shinkiba Lab is taking on the challenge of research and development of antibody drugs. Our research on antibody drugs is still in an early stage, and I think we will face many obstacles in the future, but with the help of other companies who work at Shinkiba Lab, I understand that the role of our researchers is to grow new drug seeds and eventually be able to release Hanasaki Hanasaki.

Could you tell me why you decided to move into Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1?

Meiji Seika Pharma Tsuchiya: The reason is 'place'. In research and development of blood cancer, I wanted to promote it in an open environment, and with the help of teachers who are familiar with blood cancer treatment, I also wanted to take on the challenge of "open innovation," which is working on new drug development. The Shinkiba Lab is close to Tokyo Station and Haneda Airport, and has good access from Academia in the Kanto region. I decided here because it is excellent in moving to Tokyo Head Office (Chuo-ku).

Please let us know if there is a point that "Shinkiba Lab is good" that you know when you move in.

Meiji Seika Pharma Tsuchiya: One of the good points of Shinkiba Lab is that Mitsui Link Lab will actively hold seminars on safety education and handling of hazardous materials. Our laboratory also invites external lecturers to conduct seminars, but in terms of cost and labor, it is quite difficult to run the workshop. During the lunch break, we also had the opportunity to listen to lectures by renowned teachers (or Link-J), which also helped our open innovation path.

Meiji Seika Falma Terashima: Waste management and facility management were quite burdensome, and in the past, it was difficult for researchers to do it on their own. Mitsui Link Lab is a wonderful environment in which researchers can concentrate on research only because all facilities are managed by the lab, so researchers can concentrate on their research. Lectures (hosted by Link-J) on themes that are highly related to current research, such as triple-specific antibodies, are also broadcasted, so it will be a great study. Science-related magazines from Japan and abroad are always available at the café booth in the museum, so I am grateful that you can easily read science magazines after a break.

Do you have any interaction with other companies working in the same link Lab Shinkiba 1?

Meiji Seika Falma Chikada: Unfortunately, we have not yet made progress to a specific contract, but we had the opportunity to consult with us about the safety and efficacy of antibody drugs. In order to refer to the design of our laboratory, we also had the opportunity to visit other companies' labs under the intermediary of Mitsui Link Lab. This is also a rental lab with multiple tenants, so it is a possible exchange. Regarding daily exchanges, we are increasing the number of greetings when we meet in common spaces, etc., taking advantage of social gatherings.

I would like to continue to grow together with Mitsui Link Lab.

Finally, please tell us about the future that you would like to realize at Mitsui Link Lab.

Meiji Seika Pharma Ishida: We hope to create an antibody drug that will lead to "healing" from Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1. Even today, there are several therapeutic agents that achieve "remission," but only a few drugs can achieve "healing." As a result of discussions with the researchers, Shinkiba Lab has been working together to create a drug that aims to cure blood cancer, and we have been trying for the past few years. This is the company's goal, but at the same time, it's a researcher's dream.

Meiji Seika Falma Terashima: As one of the researchers at Shinkiba Lab, I would like to take advantage of the wonderful environment for Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 to make the current project successful. There are various other tenant companies in the lab, so I would like to work on joint research with other companies.

Meiji Seika Pharma Tsuchiya: Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1, Mitsui Fudosan is currently taking on the challenge of creating new drugs in the blood cancer field through Mitsui Link Lab Shin-Kiba 1, and at the same time, I believe that this lab business is a new challenge for Mitsui Fudosan. We hope that by working together and grow together, Shinkiba will become the foundation for fostering the Japanese life science industry. I want to be a relationship that will continue to grow together in the future.

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