FAQs | Mitsui’s Lab & Office



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About moving in

  • Is it possible to visit the facility?

    Please feel free to contact us as it is accepted from time to time.

  • Are there any screenings?

    We will submit the required documents (certified copy of the corporate register, financial statements, etc.) and we will conduct a screening based on the type of business type and the contents of the rental room.

  • What kind of flow will it be before moving in?

    Start by considering the layout of the rental room, enter into a fixed-term lease agreement after the various conditions have been agreed, and you will move in. We will support you in a thorough manner until the operation of the lab.

  • I want to know the availability and rent.

    Basically, it is not open to the public, so please contact us.

  • Do you have any expenses other than rent?

    Although it varies from property to property, occupancy costs, security deposits, electricity usage fees (including air conditioning use), water usage fees, rodentic insecticide costs, cleaning costs, etc. will be incurred separately.

  • What kind of experiment is possible?

    Biological experiments using samples up to BSL1 or BSL2, and genetically modified experiments up to P1 or P2 are possible. Synthetic experiments and analysis using organic compounds are also possible. However, there are restrictions on the use of dangerous materials depending on the building, so please contact us for details.

  • Can I move in even if I'm not in biotechnology?

    We have a wide range of industries and business types related to life sciences.

  • Can I move in at a company before starting a business (individual) or immediately after starting a business?

    If you have completed the "Corporate Registration", you can apply. (Please submit documents such as "Business Plan")

    In addition, we also have a service office for one person who can register as a corporation, so please consider it at the same time.

  • Is it possible to move in even a startup?

    Of course, it is possible. In addition, we are making various efforts to make it easier for startups to move in. Please see here for details.

About facilities and equipment

  • Can a local exhaust system (draft chamber) be installed?

    It varies from property to property, but basically it can be installed.

  • Can a CPC clean room be set up?

    It varies from property to property, but basically it can be installed.

  • Can we experiment with animal experiments?

    Details are not available, so please contact us.

  • Is it possible to move in by bench unit, hourly rental, short-term use, etc.

    Mitsui Link Lab Nakanoshima Island plans to prepare a share lab that can be used on bench units. It is also possible to introduce Beyond biolab Tokyo.

  • I want to know the lineup of common equipment

    We offer equipment that can be used by companies in a wide range of industries, such as real-time PCR, fluorescent microscopes, cellar analyzer. Please see here for details.

  • Do you have a shared meeting room?

    We have a free meeting room exclusively for tenants and paid conference rooms that can be used by LINK-J members and tenants. Please check here for more information about the conference room.

  • Is there a parking lot or bicycle parking lot?

    Although it varies from property to property, basically we have a monthly parking lot exclusively for residents and a free bicycle parking lot.

  • Is there a food and beverage facility in the facility?

    It varies from property to property, but basically there are cafes and convenience stores in the facility. We also offer kitchen cars on a regular basis.

  • Is it possible to carry large equipment?

    Although it varies from property to property, it is basically possible because there is a large elevator for import.

  • Do you have a resident staff?

    It varies from property to property, but basically there is a resident (security staff) at the Disaster Prevention Center.

  • Do you have any properties overseas?

    Yes, we have. Please see here for details.

About tenant companies

  • What kind of companies do you have?

    We have a wide variety of life science companies, from startup companies to global companies with the world's top market share. Click here for more information about the tenant name.

  • Is it possible to interact with each other?

    In addition to events in collaboration with LINK-J, we also hold events and exchange meetings exclusively for Mitsui Link Lab tenants. In some cases, collaboration can be created by work.

About after moving in

  • What kind of services can I get after you move in?

    For tenants only, we have a "Science Concierge Service" (free of charge) where scientists of former major pharmaceutical companies can consult on daily problems, as well as exchange meetings between tenants and biosafety seminars. For more information, look here.

  • Do you leave the building only on weekdays?

    If you are a resident, you can enter and exit your building 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • Is it possible to increase the floor space or relocate within Mitsui Link Lab?

    If you are a tenant of Mitsui Link Lab, we will give priority to consultations on floor expansion and relocation. Please feel free to contact us each time after you move in.

  • Is it possible to receive investment from Mitsui Fudosan?

    If you are interested, please contact us.

About LINK-J

  • What is LINK-J?

    This is a general incorporated association established by Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. in March 2016 with volunteers from Academia and industry. With the aim of "promoting open innovation" and "building an eco-systems" in the field of life sciences, we conduct "interaction / cooperation" and "fostering and support" businesses. For more information, look here.

  • What kind of services can I get?

    There are four main types of services.

    ①Exchange/Cooperation Services: Participation in various events and programs provided by LINK-J (including membership-only events) and hold tie-up events for the purpose of promoting members.

    ②Training and Support Services: Support for discussions with LINK-J supporters, commercialization support, and communication among members

    ③Information Dissemination Service: It is possible to send information and press releases from members via the LINK-J website and network

    ④Offering services: It is possible to use a communication lounge or conference room exclusively for members. Not only Mitsui Link Lab facilities, but also in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Midosuji, San Diego and New York.

    Click here for details.


  • I don't want to move in, but is it possible to rent it as a shooting location?

    In principle, we do not accept it, but please contact us.

  • Is it possible to borrow a picture from the link lab?

    Please contact us.


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