On December 3, 2024 (Tuesday), we held the 10th lunchtime Tips, "Latest Trends in Liquid Processing in Industry Using ion Exchange Resins" at the Communication Lounge on the 1st floor of Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1!
(sponsored by Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.; co-sponsored by Muromachi Chemicals Co., Ltd.)
Mr. Muromachi Chemical Izumi, who is living in Kashiwa-no-ha 1, spoke on the stage and talked about the contents of ion exchange resin through in-house research.
Approximately 30 people participated on the day, and some people were asked directly after the lecture, so everyone listened interestingly while having a meal.
Going forward, Mitsui Link Lab will continue to plan events that will be useful to residents.
Thank you very much to everyone who participated.