The 2nd lunchtime Tips and Technical Seminar will be held on November 29 (Wednesday). | The latest information | Rental Lab & Office | Mitsui Link Lab
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The 2nd lunchtime Tips and Technical Seminar will be held on November 29 (Wednesday).

11/29 (Wednesday) At the Communication Lounge on the 1st floor of Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1, as the 2nd lunchtime Tips, technical seminar "Let's learn about the strongest tool for protein analysis" HiBiT Tags! "Promega Co., Ltd. and MGI Tech Japan Co., Ltd." will be held jointly with Promega Co., Ltd. and MGI Tech Japan Co., Ltd.
Anyone who is a resident of Mitsui Link Lab can participate, so please join us.
We will give you a drink and sweets to those who come.

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