March 29th (Fri) The 5th Lunch Time Tips and Technical Seminar will be held. | The latest information | Rental Lab & Office | Mitsui Link Lab
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March 29th (Fri) The 5th Lunch Time Tips and Technical Seminar will be held.

On March 29, 2024 (Friday), at the Communication Lounge on the 1st floor of Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1.2 and Kashiwa-no-ha 1, we will hold a technical seminar titled "Fostering Biohuman resources (human resources involved in the development and manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals)" as the 5th lunchtime Tips!
Shinkiba 1 will be the main venue, and Shinkiba 2 and Kashiwanoha 1 will be broadcast.
The Biologics Research and Training Center (BCRET) will be on stage to talk about the business and future prospects at the Tokyo base (Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1).
A lab tour will be held only for reservations!
Please check the flyer for the reservation method.

In addition, we will give drinks and sweets to those who come to Shinkiba 1, the main venue.
Anyone who is a resident of Mitsui Link Lab can participate, so please come and join us!

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