[Interviews with Kazuhisa Uchida, Miaki Shimizu, Shigeyuki Iijima and Noriko Hashiba] "At Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1, which has a good access environment from the entire Kanto region, we would like to challenge human resources education involved in the development and production of new biopharmaceuticals and what we can do only in Tokyo."  | List of residents' interviews | Mitsui’s Lab & Office
Interview with residents

Home > List of residents' interviews > [Interviewer with Kazuhisa Uchida, Miaki Shimizu, Naruyuki Iijima, and Rinko Hashiba] "I would like to challenge human resource education related to the development and manufacturing of new biopharmaceuticals at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1, which has a good access environment from all over the Kanto region." 

[Interviews with Kazuhisa Uchida, Miaki Shimizu, Shigeyuki Iijima and Noriko Hashiba] "At Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1, which has a good access environment from the entire Kanto region, we would like to challenge human resources education involved in the development and production of new biopharmaceuticals and what we can do only in Tokyo." 

Biologics Research and Training Center
The Biologics Center for Research and Training (BCRET) is a general incorporated association established in 2017 with the aim of developing human resources for biotechnology. Until now, we have been working mainly on bases in Port Island (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture), but from this year we have expanded our activities to the Tokyo metropolitan area. The second base was opened at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1, and the first practical training course was held in the fall. We interviewed four people, including Mr. Kazuhisa Uchida (Deputy Managing Director and Director in charge of planning), about the current business and future prospects.

Established as an organization that fosters biotechnology human resources (human resources involved in the development and manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals) indispensable to the bio industry. 

First of all, please tell us about the background and business of BCRET. 

Mr. BCRET Uchida: BCRET is a general incorporated association established with the aim of developing human resources involved in the development and manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals. It dates back to the activities of the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (Pharmaceutical Association). At that time, overseas leading the biotechnology industry, such as the United States, spent a large amount of budget to promote human resource development, while the Japanese industry was completely behind. Therefore, as part of the research activities of the Biopharmaceutical Committee within the Pharmaceutical Association, we analyzed the overseas situation and compiled policy recommendations for the development of biotechnology personnel. Starting with this as a starting point, BCRET was established in 2017 with the cooperation of several companies working in Japan as members to further materialize policy proposals. 

To put it simply, the business content is to "cultivate domestic biohuman resources in cooperation with industry, government, academia."

BCRET's business

(1) Education implementation related to the development, manufacturing and analysis of biologics
    Cooperate with industry, academia and government to develop human resources who promote industries in the field
(2) Advanced research and research in the biologics field
   In cooperation with the government on the results, we will further promote the industry in the field.
(3) Research on biologics conducted at universities, etc.
   In particular, support the development of seeds and bridge the industry in this field.

Excerpts from https://www.bcret.jp/business.html


Mr. BCRET Uchida: Because it was born out of the recommendations of the Pharmaceutical Association, the majority of people are from pharmaceutical companies in order to meet their needs. However, each person has their own expertise. For example, Mr. Iijima is an expert in biopharmaceutical culture, Mr. Shimizu is an expert in formulation technology, and Mr. Hashiba was a researcher at academia. Because everyone's backgrounds are different, they can demonstrate their comprehensive strengths while complementing each other. 

The operational rules are in place, so you can start working smoothly immediately. 

What kind of job categories are eligible for the educational program offered by BCRET? 

Mr. BCRET Uchida: We offer a wide range of educational programs, including those involved in Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (Cchemistry, Manufacturing and Control) development work at pharmaceutical companies and CDMOs, people involved in the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals at factories and other manufacturing sites, and those involved in quality control, and even those involved in drug applications. When creating a program, we will catch up the latest research trends and incorporate it into the program. How will BCRET incorporate the latest research into future regulations and how will companies use it? I am creating a program while thinking about this. 

Please tell us why you opened a new base in Tokyo and why you chose Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1. 

Mr. BCRET Uchida: BCRET's headquarters is located at the Kobe University Center for Integrated Research Center in Port Island, but thanks to the increase in the number of users, Kobe University's facilities alone are no longer able to respond, so a new base is needed. In recent biopharmaceutical industry, new modalities have emerged one after another and need to update information. Therefore, we established a new business base in Tokyo to meet both demand. For example, education on regenerative medicine, gene therapy, and mRNA vaccine will be mainly handled by Shinkiba Lab in the future. 

The biggest reason for choosing Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 is the access environment. In our case, it was most important to have many people participate in the educational program, and a good access environment was a prerequisite. 

Please tell us your impressions of Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1. 

Mr. BCRET Iijima: I have also used general rental labs, but it is absolutely comparable to them, and I have the impression that it is easy to use compared to other facilities. 

Mr. BCRET Shimizu: The rules for lab operation, such as waste, are strict, but that means that the operation rules are clear. For example, waste handling and cleaning of white coats used in the laboratory are already in place, so we only need to contact them. Mitsui Link Lab has a good operational rules, so we were able to start operations smoothly from the beginning without any particular problems. 

Taking advantage of the location in the Tokyo metropolitan area where many universities and academic institutions are located, we are also taking on the challenge of "what can only be done in Tokyo." 

What are your expectations for Mitsui Link Lab in the future? 

Mr. BCRET Uchida: Mitsui Link Lab is expected to play a role as a hub that connects residents through tenant exchange meetings. I want you to intervene persistently until the residents can be connected. 

Mr. BCRET Iijima: It's hard to get acquainted with each other, it's hard to connect. If residents connect with each other, we will be able to learn a lot, and in the future we may be able to provide opportunities for other companies to use BCRET equipment as shared devices. 

Mr. BCRET Uchida: In the future, I would be grateful if you could open a shared laboratory in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Of course, if you open a lab in the middle of the city, there will be various obstacles such as laws, but since you can also make lab in Hongo (The University of Tokyo), it is a supercenter like overseas such as London and Boston. I hope that you will be able to realize a lab in Nihonbashi. 

Thank you very much. Finally, could you tell us about your future prospects. 

Mr. BCRET Shimizu: In the future, we would like to pursue "what can only be done in Tokyo." For example, the Tokyo area has a large number of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical University, so I would like to focus on student education through collaboration projects with universities. Of course, the quality of education should not be degraded compared to Kobe, so we will continue to provide high-quality educational programs in Shinkiba as well as Kobe. Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1 lab has been visited by various people so far, and "It's a very wonderful lab" and "How will you use it in the future?" It is often said, "Please make good use of it." I think we have to think about how to use it in various ways. 

If you are interested in the laboratory at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1, please contact us and we would like to provide an opportunity to visit. 

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