Support the progress of exosome research and implement it in society through commercialization.
First of all, please tell us about the history of your establishment and the details of your business.
Mr. Azfreya Enomoto: At the Society of Regenerative Medicine held in 2017, I heard a presentation by Professor Takahiro Ochitani of the Institute of Medical Research, Tokyo Medical University, which triggered my attention to the existence of "exosomes" in the human body. This "exosomes" is a substance with a diameter of about 50 to 150 nm, secreted by various cells, and the inclusions are transferred between cells, which is involved in various life phenomena, and at the same time plays an important role in the development and development of many diseases, including cancer. Therefore, Azphreia was established with the aim of supporting Professor Ochitani as a collaborator and supporting his progress in exosomes research and implementing it in society through commercialization.
Mr. Azfreya Kuniki: Starting with the development of cosmetics containing exosomes, we have been manufacturing and selling original products. Currently, OEMs and ODMs of various products, such as cosmetics and supplements focusing on plant-derived exosomes, are the mainstay of our products. In addition, we provide consulting services to medical institutions considering the introduction of regenerative medicine to provide comprehensive support from preparation of the provision plan to application.

What do you think is the "strengths" of your business?
Mr. Azfreya Enomoto: Dr. Ochitani is working hard every day to develop exosomes as a drug that is useful for diagnosis and treatment, rather than a regenerative medicine product based on the Pharmaceutical Machinery Law. Through our involvement, we believe our strength is that we can support the research of various life science companies and at the same time incorporate a variety of sciences with free ideas and create products that add new value to exosomes, such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and supplements.

The necessary facilities are in place for good location and ideal environment for conducting experiments.
What kind of research is being conducted at Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba1?
Mr. Chiwaki Azflaya: One of the various initiatives is the research that proves that exosomes contained in culture and culture supernatants are definitely exosomes. In addition, we are conducting research to obtain data for visualizing, as you can see the existence of exosomes.
Mr. Azfreya Enomoto: We have a great ambition to raise the overall level of exosomes research in Japan, rather than conducting research only for our own business development. To this end, in the spirit of open innovation, we would like to listen to inquiries from various companies interested in exosomes and work together to create new technologies. We have already started joint research with companies located in the same Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba 1.
Please tell us why you decided to move into Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba1.
Mr. Azfreya Kuniki: We investigated a number of properties, but when we wanted to prepare a new laboratory we wanted, there were restrictions on the water area such as the problem of waste liquid, so we secured land in an area far from the city center, and unless we built it from scratch, it was a reality that there was no suitable thing. Under such circumstances, I was introduced to this lab, which is not far from Tokyo Station and has the necessary facilities, and the talk proceeded smoothly until I moved in. Thank you very much.
What kind of impression do you have when you actually move in?
Mr. Chiwaki Azflaya: Due to the large size of the lab, equipment can be installed without any problems, making it extremely easy to conduct experiments. In addition, I feel that various seminars are held for tenant companies. Immediately after moving in, I took the "Basic Course on Environmental Laws and Laws" and gained knowledge about waste laws, which was very helpful. If you have any questions, I would like to take them in the future. The building itself is new and the toilets are clean, and it's nice to have places where you can eat and take a break, such as cafes, communication lounges, and common spaces.
Mr. Azfreya Enomoto: Since it is a P2 compatible section, there is no need to worry about contamination. The sense of security that has been properly managed as a research facility is a great advantage.

We would like to further revitalize joint research with other companies and produce results that surprise the world.
Please tell us what you expect from Mitsui Link Lab in the future.
Mr. Azfreya Kuniki: In addition to several companies, the same Mitsui Link Lab Shinkiba1, we introduced companies that are currently occupying Mitsui Link Lab in other areas, leading to interviews. I would be glad if you could increase such efforts to revitalize encounters and exchanges. In addition, LINK-J seems to be able to support member companies sending press releases and hold tie-up events, so I hope that such opportunities will create new encounters.
Mr. Azfreya Enomoto: I hope we can create a situation where joint research with other companies becomes active and ask you to further increase the space.

Thank you very much. Lastly, please tell us about your outlook for the future.
Mr. Azfreya Kuniki: Nowadays, it is generally human-derived ingredients that are used in cosmetics labeled "exosomes" in the world, but the plant-derived ingredients that we are focusing on research are no different from the food you eat, and can be expected to be deployed in various products. Many of the manufacturers who contact us want to sell products that have the potential as products instead of selling them in Blanding, so I would like to show the effects of plant-derived ingredients and the evidence thereof.
Mr. Azfreya Enomoto: I moved in about six months ago, but thanks to Professor Ochitani's basic research, we have already launched a number of promising researches that are expected to be applied. Applications for patents based on the data obtained are also progressing, and we believe that we will be able to publish results that will surprise you and contribute to the health and welfare of humanity one after another in the future.